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In today’s fast-paced world, technology start-ups are the driving force behind innovation and growth. Here at Price & Accountants, based in London, UK, we understand the importance of Research & Development (R&D) for these start-ups. That’s why we offer comprehensive R&D tax credit services to help tech start-ups invest in their innovative projects and fuel their success.

What is R&D Tax Credit?

Encouraging Innovation:

Innovation is the lifeblood of tech start-ups. R&D tax credits provide a much-needed financial boost, encouraging start-ups to push boundaries, develop new products, and improve existing ones. With this incentive, tech start-ups can fuel their creativity and stay ahead of the competition.

Financial Benefits:

We understand that tech start-ups often operate on tight budgets. That’s why R&D tax credits can be a game-changer. They provide significant financial relief, freeing up resources for crucial research and development activities. With more financial flexibility, start-ups can focus on what they do best: innovating.

Eligibility for R&D Tax Credit:

To qualify for R&D tax credits, your tech start-up must be a UK-based company subject to Corporation Tax. Additionally, you must be carrying out qualifying R&D activities as defined by the UK government. These projects should aim to achieve advancements in science or technology by resolving scientific or technological uncertainties.

Why is R&D Tax Credit Essential for Tech Start-ups?

Encouraging Innovation:

Innovation is the lifeblood of tech start-ups. R&D tax credits provide a much-needed financial boost, encouraging start-ups to push boundaries, develop new products, and improve existing ones. With this incentive, tech start-ups can fuel their creativity and stay ahead of the competition.

Financial Benefits:

We understand that tech start-ups often operate on tight budgets. That’s why R&D tax credits can be a game-changer. They provide significant financial relief, freeing up resources for crucial research and development activities. With more financial flexibility, start-ups can focus on what they do best: innovating.

Eligibility for R&D Tax Credit:

To qualify for R&D tax credits, your tech start-up must be a UK-based company subject to Corporation Tax. Additionally, you must be carrying out qualifying R&D activities as defined by the UK government. These projects should aim to achieve advancements in science or technology by resolving scientific or technological uncertainties.

How to Apply for R&D Tax Credit in the UK?

To apply for R&D tax credits, it’s important to maintain proper records of your R&D activities. This includes keeping project plans, staff timesheets, invoices, and development reports. The application process involves preparing a technical narrative demonstrating how your project meets HMRC’s definition of R&D. You will need to calculate the qualifying R&D expenditure and complete the relevant sections of your company tax return.

Making the Most out of R&D Tax Credit:

To maximize the benefits of R&D tax credits, we recommend engaging an expert who can help identify all qualifying activities and costs. It’s crucial to maintain robust records that support your claim. Doing so can ensure that you take full advantage of this incentive and fuel your innovation even further.

Real-Life Examples of Tech Start-ups Benefitting from R&D Tax Credit

Numerous tech start-ups in the UK have already reaped the rewards of R&D tax credits. For instance, a Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) company successfully claimed R&D tax credits for their innovative cloud solution. This financial boost enabled them to accelerate their development and achieve their goals.

The Future of R&D Tax Credit in the UK

As the UK strives to be a global tech hub, the government continually reviews the R&D tax credit scheme to ensure its effectiveness. Staying updated on any potential changes is essential for tech start-ups. The R&D tax credit scheme will continue to play a crucial role in supporting start-ups, and any modifications may significantly impact the tech start-up landscape.


R&D tax credits present a golden opportunity for tech start-ups in the UK to fuel their innovation and growth. By understanding the eligibility criteria, application process, and strategies for maximizing benefits, tech start-ups can leverage this incentive to propel their success. At Price & Accountants, we are here to guide you through the process and help you make the most of R&D tax credits for your tech start-up’s prosperity.

Frequently Asked Questions

  1. What qualifies as R&D for tax purposes?
    R&D for tax purposes usually involves projects that seek to advance overall knowledge or capability in science or technology.

  2. Can a loss-making tech start-up claim R&D tax credits?
    Yes, loss-making companies can still claim R&D tax credits and may receive a cash payment from HMRC.

  3. What costs can be claimed under R&D tax credits?
    Qualifying costs include staff costs, subcontractor costs, consumable items, software, and payments to clinical trial volunteers.

  4. How long does it take to receive the R&D tax credit?
    It typically takes around 28 days for HMRC to process an R&D tax credit claim, but this can vary.

  5. Can a tech start-up claim R&D tax credits for previous years?
    You can typically claim R&D tax credits for your last two completed accounting periods.

  6. How does the R&D tax credit affect my corporation tax liability?
    R&D tax credits can significantly reduce your corporation tax liability, providing valuable tax relief for your tech start-up.

  7. How can I claim R&D tax credits for eligible expenditures?
    To claim R&D tax credits for eligible expenditures, you must maintain proper records and demonstrate how the expenditure relates to qualifying R&D activities.

  8. What is the tax relief scheme for R&D tax credits?
    The tax relief scheme for R&D tax credits allows eligible businesses to reduce their tax liability or receive cash refunds.

  9. How does the R&D tax credit impact my overall tax liability?
    R&D tax credits can reduce your tax liability, potentially resulting in lower overall tax payments or cash refunds.

  10. How can I make a tax credit claim for my R&D activities?
    To make a tax credit claim for your R&D activities, prepare the necessary documentation, including a technical narrative, and complete the relevant sections of your company tax return.

  11. What is the worth of an R&D tax credit?
    The worth of an R&D tax credit depends on various factors, including your eligible expenditure and the applicable tax relief rates.

  12. What are accounting periods, and how do they affect R&D tax credit claims?
    Accounting periods are specific timeframes used for financial reporting. R&D tax credit claims are typically made for accounting periods beginning on or after 1st April 2015.

  13. How can R&D tax credits benefit my tech start-up’s tax bill?
    R&D tax credits can reduce your tech start-up’s tax bill by providing tax relief on qualifying R&D expenditures.

  14. Can R&D tax credits be claimed for projects involving scientific or technological uncertainty?
    R&D tax credits can be claimed for projects that aim to resolve scientific or technological uncertainties, encouraging innovation and growth.

  15. What is eligible expenditure in the context of R&D tax credits?
    Eligible expenditure refers to the costs claimed under R&D tax credits, including staff costs, subcontractor costs, consumable items, software, and payments to clinical trial volunteers.

At Price & Accountants, we are dedicated to helping tech start-ups make the most of R&D tax credits. Contact us today to explore how we can support your innovation and fuel your success.